The Minnesota Spinal Cord Injury Association (MNSCIA) is committed to enriching the lives of people in Minnesota who have been impacted by spinal cord injury or paralysis. Our members include people who have incurred paralysis or disability due to a spinal cord injury, their families and friends, healthcare and rehabilitation professionals, policy makers, and corporations.
The MNSCIA strives to provide education, advocacy, and networking to our membership and community. |
Do you have questions about resources available to those in Minnesota with spinal cord injuries?
Ask the experts at the MNSCIA today! |
Join us as we provide individuals in the Minnesota spinal cord injury community the resources they need to reach their full potential.
MNSCIA-GUSU Monthly Peer GroupMNSCIA-GUSU hangouts are monthly peer group meetings for those with or caregivers of spinal cord injuries, which are held at 3pm on the first Saturday of every month. (Except on Holidays. Then the meetings will be held on the second Saturday of the month.)
The hangouts are usually held at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institution, Golden Valley in the 2nd Floor Board Room. |